
  What kind of potential does Morocco have to become a leader and key exporter of renewable energies in Africa? What major projects are currently underway to up the percentage of renewables in Morocco’s energy mix? Morocco has been a forerunner in decarbonization and energy transition since 2009, His Majesty set out guidelines for an energy strategy that gave pride of place to renewable energies. In 2009 we drew up a strategy which aimed to achieve 42% of renewable energy in our...

  According to the World Health Organization, Africa imports 70-90% of its medicines. What major strengths does Morocco have that make it an excellent location for a robust pharmaceuticals industry? Today, Africa consumes very little medicine. In 2015 the continent had 1.2 billion inhabitants; in 2030 it will be around 1.6 billion, in 2050, 2.2, and in 2100 4.3 billion. This means that by 2050 practically one in four patients will be African, and so there will be a need for medicines....